
Open Space #3 – Menschenbilder

Offene Türen zum Lager der Sammlung SpallArt

9. juni bis Herbst 2018



Arbeiten aus dem Themengebiet Portrait von Künstlern wie Irene Andessner, Herbert Bayer, Joseph Beuys, Walker Evans, Ralph Gibson, Nan Goldin, Sean Hemmerle, Bernhard Hosa, Anna Jermolaewa, Rudolf Koppitz, Elke Krystufek, Heinrich Kühn, Marie-Jo Lafontaine, Paul Albert Leitner, Stefan Moses, Valentina Murabito, Agnes Prammer, Stephan Reusse, August Sander, Paul Maria Schneggenburger, Fritz Simak, Jock Sturges, Miroslav Tichý, Robert Waldl, Andy Warhol, Alfred Weidinger, Michael Wesely, Edward Weston u.a.


S-1084, "Pain(ting)?!"
Elke Krystufek, "Pain(ting)?!", 1998
S-1085, "Pain(ting)?!"
Elke Krystufek, "Pain(ting)?!", 1998
S-1103, ohne Titel
Yigal Ozeri, ohne Titel, 2015
S-1104, ohne Titel
Yigal Ozeri, ohne Titel, 2015
S-1126, "Roisin"
Bettina von Zwehl, "Roisin", 2000
S-1128, "Mathilda"
Bettina von Zwehl, "Mathilda", 1999–2000
S-1156, "Kati B."
Robert Zahornicky, "Kati B.", 1984
S-1283, "May Hillier and children"
Julia Margaret Cameron, "May Hillier and children", um 1865
S-1299, "Selbstporträt mit Diktator"
Anna Jermolaewa, "Selbstporträt mit Diktator", 2007
S-1331, "Auf der Suche nach dem richtigen Bild"
Bernhard Hosa, "Auf der Suche nach dem richtigen Bild", 2011
S-1509, "Oba Egba Kotan II."
Alfred Weidinger, "Oba Egba Kotan II.", 2013
S-1517, "Sydney 98"
Beat Streuli, "Sydney 98", 1999
S-1557, "Fotografische Erfassung #08"
Robert Waldl, "Fotografische Erfassung #08", 2013
S-1558, "Fotografische Erfassung #09"
Robert Waldl, "Fotografische Erfassung #09", 2013
S-1561, ohne Titel
Francesca Woodman, ohne Titel, 1975-1978
S-1585, "Cheryldean, Hestia, Marisa & Clara: Girls in the Park at Prins Albert, South Africa"
Katharine Cooper, "Cheryldean, Hestia, Marisa & Clara: Girls in the Park at Prins Albert, South Africa", 2013
S-1586, "Corrie Saayman, Parking Attendant, Oudsthoorn, South Africa"
Katharine Cooper, "Corrie Saayman, Parking Attendant, Oudsthoorn, South Africa", 2013
S-1617, "Untitled (two couples)"
Agnes Prammer, "Untitled (two couples)", 2008
S-1618, "Untitled (four boys)"
Agnes Prammer, "Untitled (four boys)", 2008
S-1657, "Babylon Babies"
Marie-Jo Lafontaine, "Babylon Babies", 2002
S-1658, "Babylon Babies"
Marie-Jo Lafontaine, "Babylon Babies", 2002
S-1659, "Babylon Babies"
Marie-Jo Lafontaine, "Babylon Babies", 2002
S-1698, "Self-portrait with a car"
Memphis, Tennessee
Paul Albert Leitner, "Self-portrait with a car" Memphis, Tennessee, 2003
S-1707, "Kratzung Triptycha - Cornelius Obonya"
Marko Lipuš, "Kratzung Triptycha - Cornelius Obonya", 2013
S-1711, "Bruno with tattoo, Naples"
Nan Goldin, "Bruno with tattoo, Naples", 1995
S-1890, "Straßenbahnschaffnerinnen, Köln"
Stefan Moses, "Straßenbahnschaffnerinnen, Köln", 1963
S-1891, "Köchinnen, Neukirchen Wyhra"
Stefan Moses, "Köchinnen, Neukirchen Wyhra", 1990
S-1913, "Farmer’s Wife from the Sieg Valley"
August Sander, "Farmer’s Wife from the Sieg Valley", um 1930
S-1938, "Ein ewig Rätsel"
Valentina Murabito, "Ein ewig Rätsel", 2016
S-1941, "Trump"
Herbert Döring-Spengler, "Trump", 2015
S-1942, "Sissi"
Andreas Mühe, "Sissi", 2012
S-1967, "Andra Spallart"
Gerald Moser, "Andra Spallart", 2016
S-1986, "MALIK - Senegal"
Caroline Gavazzi, "MALIK - Senegal", 2016
S-2002, "Housewife, Baghdad"
Sean Hemmerle, "Housewife, Baghdad", 2003
S-2003, "#SignedByTrump No. 4"
Aria Watson, "#SignedByTrump No. 4", 2016
S-0909, "Malerhut"
Irene Andessner, "Malerhut", 1997


Zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung zeigten Julius Deutschbauer und Paul Ropac die Performance "Schweinereien".