
Verzweigt. Bäume in Fotografien der Sammlung SpallArt





Whether defiant giant trees or tender little plants, gnarled or flexible, defying ice and snow or blossoming in warm sunlight, in untouched forest thickets or urban surroundings, no one can escape the attraction of trees.

Thus, the tree has found its way into philosophy, religion, literature and the fine arts.

With the exhibition Verzweigt (Branched), the Städtische Galerie Rosenheim is showing photographs of these fascinating creatures from the SpallArt collection. Photographs from the early days of photography in the mid-19th century, works by renowned artists of the 20th century such as Pablo Picasso, Mario Giacomelli and Martin Kippenberger, to photographs by renowned contemporary photographers such as Thomas Struth are dedicated to the theme of trees.

Singular tree portraits, overwhelming landscape shots, travel photographs, city views, nocturnal sceneries reflect the diverse habitats of trees.  The spectrum ranges from almost impenetrable green jungle hell to trees trimmed to death by gardeners and the destructive power of natural forces, such as the hurricane "Kyrill", which destroyed large forests in Europe in 2007.

Documenting, playfully alienating, evocative, experimental - an invitation to forest bathing in the art of photography.




Städtische Galerie Rosenheim
September 22 to November 5, 2023

Opening Thursday, September 21, 7:30 p.m.

Max-Bram-Platz 2, 83022 Rosenheim
Tel. 0049 8031/365 1447


opening hours
Thuesday to Sunday
1 to 5 p.m.


The originally planned exhibition period from 16 February to 28 March 2021 had to be postponed
due to the Corona restrictions.



Exhibition program

download program as PDF





Ein Baum kann viel bedeuten. Für den Dendrologen Alan Mitchell ist klar, was einen Baum auszeichnet und seine Definition ist für alle eindeutig nachvollziehbar: „Ein Baum ist eine holzige, ausdauernde Pflanze, die wenigstens eine Höhe von etwa sechs Meter erreicht; der Stamm kann sich schon sehr weit unten verzweigen, jedoch muss dies oberhalb des Bodens erfolgen.“  Für die Ökologie bedeutet der Baum wiederum Zukunft. Aktuell betont die Debatte zur Klimakrise, dass dem Baum eine zentrale Rolle im Kampf gegen die Erderwärmung zukommt. Das Schicksal des Menschen scheint an jenes des Baumes geknüpft zu sein. Gleichzeitig lässt sich das Motiv des Baumes als Symbol menschlichen Daseins über Jahrtausende zurückverfolgen.

Beschäftigt man sich mit dem Baum in der Fotografie, so ergibt sich ein ähnlich vielfältiges und verzweigtes Bild. Eine stringente Problemgeschichte von 1839 bis heute lässt sich jedenfalls aufgrund der schieren Masse an Baumfotografien nicht formulieren. Es lohnt sich vielmehr, individuelle Pfade durch das Dickicht zu schlagen. Fokussiert man den Blick, so lässt sich in der frühen Geschichte der Fotografie ein Zeitfenster bestimmen, das dem Motiv des Baumes eine ganz spezifische Bedeutung zuweist. Gemeint ist der kurz nach der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts (vor allem in Frankreich) erstarkte Gegensatz zwischen moderner Großstadt und unberührter Natur. Diesem Themenblock wird sich der erste Teil des vorliegenden Aufsatzes widmen. Darauf aufbauend wird es im zweiten Teil um die in der Ausstellung aufgefächerte Vielfalt von Fotografien des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts gehen, die jeweils höchst individuelle Blicke auf das ebenso zeitlose wie aktuelle Thema des Baumes darstellen […]
(Nikolaus Kratzer)


The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue



with works by:
Ansel Adams, Alfredo Barsuglia, Max Baur, Herbert Bayer, Adrian Bischoff, Sigismund Blumann, Félix Bonfils, Robert Bothner, Hugo Brehme, Hermann Brühlmeyer, Harry Callahan, Lucien Clergue, Alvin Langdon Coburn, Wallace Edwin Dancy, William Edward Dassonville, Alfred Eisenstaedt, Adolf Fassbender, Andreas Fogarasi, Heinrich Freytag, Mario Giacomelli, Henry Gilpin, Markus Guschelbauer, Robert F.  Hammerstiel, Gordon Hastings, Josef Hoflehner, Axel Hütte, Anna Jermolaewa, Sandra Kantanen, Eeva Karhu, Hannes Kilian, Martin Kippenberger, Fabian Knecht, Jens Knigge, Nikolaus Korab, Angelika Krinzinger, Heinrich Kühn, Hans Kupelwieser, Edgar Lissel, Herbert List, Max Lohr, Julia Meiners-Bölken, Elfriede Mejchar, Theodor Max Missmann, Albert Monier, Barbara Morgan, Loredana Nemes, Jeff Nixon, Hanns Otte, Alfred Pfau, Pablo Picasso & André Villers, Albert Renger-Patzsch, Jack Schneider, Maria Schott, Jill Seer, Fritz Simak, Nikolaus Similache, Aaron Siskind, Friedrich Viktor Spitzer, Albert Steiner, Otto Steinert, Jutta Strohmaier, Thomas Struth, Josef Sudek, Gerhard Trumler, Wouter Verbeylen, Wolf von dem Bussche, Carleton Eugene Watkins, Sabine Weiss, Robert Werling, Michael Wesely, Brett Weston, Edward Weston, Hans Wetzelsdorfer, and Robert Zahornicky


S-0029, untitled
Brett Weston, untitled, 1980s
S-0030, untitled
Brett Weston, untitled, 1975
S-0032, "Jeffrey Pine, Sentinel Dome, Yosemite National Park, California"
Ansel Adams, "Jeffrey Pine, Sentinel Dome, Yosemite National Park, California", 1940
S-0071, "The White Night"
Adolf Fassbender, "The White Night", 1937
S-0075, "Figure 8"
Adolf Fassbender, "Figure 8", 1937
S-0084, "The Sentinels"
Adolf Fassbender, "The Sentinels", 1937
S-0134, "Cypress, Point Lobos"
Edward Weston, "Cypress, Point Lobos", 1940
S-0147, untitled
Hugo Brehme, untitled, 1930s
S-0195, "Winter Forest Detail"
Ansel Adams, "Winter Forest Detail", 1949
S-0197, "Gnarled Tree"
William Edward Dassonville, "Gnarled Tree", 1920s
S-0205, "Le Marais d’Arles"
Lucien Clergue, "Le Marais d’Arles", 1960
S-0213, "Half Dome, Merced River, Winter"
Ansel Adams, "Half Dome, Merced River, Winter", 1938
Albert Renger-Patzsch, 1949
S-0224, "El Capitan, Winter"
Ansel Adams, "El Capitan, Winter", before 1950
S-0225, "Oak Tree, Snowstorm"
Yosemite National Park, California
Ansel Adams, "Oak Tree, Snowstorm" Yosemite National Park, California, 1948
S-0263, "The Tree #36, Martha’s Vineyard"
Aaron Siskind, "The Tree #36, Martha’s Vineyard", 1973
S-0268, untitled
Henry Gilpin, untitled, 1987
Max Baur, 1930s
S-0273, untitled
Max Baur, untitled, 1930s
S-0277, untitled
Anonymous, untitled, 1910s
S-0280, untitled
Josef Sudek, untitled, 1948
S-0283, untitled
Friedrich Viktor Spitzer, untitled, 1910s
Anonymous, 1910s
S-0313, untitled
Alfred Pfau, untitled, 1920s
S-0314, "Half Dome, Evening, Thunderstorm"
Jeff Nixon, "Half Dome, Evening, Thunderstorm", 1990s
S-0324, "Backwaters"
Sigismund Blumann, "Backwaters", 1920s
S-0327, "Beech Tree IV"
Barbara Morgan, "Beech Tree IV", 1945
S-0360, "Bord des Quais de la Seine"
Albert Monier, "Bord des Quais de la Seine", 1950s
S-0361, untitled
Robert Bothner, untitled, 1950s
S-0380, "#6 Aix en Provence"
Harry Callahan, "#6 Aix en Provence", 1958
S-0388, untitled
Albert Renger-Patzsch, untitled, 1957
S-0413, "Forest, Morning, Yosemite"
Jeff Nixon, "Forest, Morning, Yosemite", 1980s
S-0423, "Charon bestellt sich einen Grappa, 1"
Nikolaus Similache, "Charon bestellt sich einen Grappa, 1", 2009
S-0424, "Charon bestellt sich einen Grappa, 2"
Nikolaus Similache, "Charon bestellt sich einen Grappa, 2", 2009
S-0433, "Herbstspaziergang, Tirol"
Heinrich Kühn, "Herbstspaziergang, Tirol", 1912
S-0440, untitled
Robert Bothner, untitled, 1950s
S-0525, "Kyrill"
Hans Kupelwieser, "Kyrill", 2007
S-0526, "Kyrill"
Hans Kupelwieser, "Kyrill", 2007
S-0527, "Kyrill"
Hans Kupelwieser, "Kyrill", 2007
S-0528, "Kyrill"
Hans Kupelwieser, "Kyrill", 2007
S-0529, "Kyrill"
Hans Kupelwieser, "Kyrill", 2007
S-0530, "Kyrill"
Hans Kupelwieser, "Kyrill", 2007
S-0555, "Path 3"
Eeva Karhu, "Path 3", 2011
S-0558, "Decorative Study"
Alvin Langdon Coburn, "Decorative Study", 1906
S-0608, "4 Le corrigan effeuillé"
Pablo Picasso & André Villers, "4 Le corrigan effeuillé", 1962
S-0609, "5 Hic"
Pablo Picasso & André Villers, "5 Hic", 1962
S-0618, "14 Midas"
Pablo Picasso & André Villers, "14 Midas", 1962
S-0637, untitled
Heinrich Freytag, untitled, 1929
S-0645, "Mountain Pine"
Jack Schneider, "Mountain Pine", 1961
S-0711, "Source de Ain-Fidjeh"
Félix Bonfils, "Source de Ain-Fidjeh", 1868–1878
S-0728, "Reconstruction"
Wouter Verbeylen, "Reconstruction", 2011
S-0729, "Reconstruction"
Wouter Verbeylen, "Reconstruction", 2011
S-0730, "Reconstruction"
Wouter Verbeylen, "Reconstruction", 2011
S-0761, "Man with Blanket, Washington Square Park"
Wolf von dem Bussche, "Man with Blanket, Washington Square Park", 1976
S-0763, Worpswede
Julia Meiners-Bölken, Worpswede, 1930s
S-0771, "87. The Vernal Falls, 343 feet, Yosemite, Cal."
Carleton Eugene Watkins, "87. The Vernal Falls, 343 feet, Yosemite, Cal.", 1861
S-0791, "Untitled (Sakura 2)"
Sandra Kantanen, "Untitled (Sakura 2)", 2009
S-1211, "In Search of Time Past"
Herbert Bayer, "In Search of Time Past", 1959
S-1212, untitled
Mario Giacomelli, untitled, 1970s
S-1218, "Sao Francisco de Xavier"
Thomas Struth, "Sao Francisco de Xavier", 2004
S-1221, "Xi Shuang Banna"
Thomas Struth, "Xi Shuang Banna", 2004
S-1225, "Am Goldfischteich im Tiergarten"
Theodor Max Missmann, "Am Goldfischteich im Tiergarten", 1907
S-1226, "Tiergarten Motiv"
Theodor Max Missmann, "Tiergarten Motiv", 1904
S-1235, "untitled"
Angelika Krinzinger, "untitled", 2008
S-1328, "45 steps, 5 trees, one pole and almost stepping into dogs droppings..."
Jutta Strohmaier, "45 steps, 5 trees, one pole and almost stepping into dogs droppings...", 2008
S-1336, "Brandrodung, Washington"
Nikolaus Korab, "Brandrodung, Washington", 2001
S-1464, untitled
Elfriede Mejchar, untitled, 1996
S-1465, "Z cyklu Príchod jara do Prahy"
Josef Sudek, "Z cyklu Príchod jara do Prahy", 1965
S-1472, "Schönbrunn-Mauer bei Nacht 10"
Fritz Simak, "Schönbrunn-Mauer bei Nacht 10", 2010
S-1473, "El Capitan in Fog, Yosemite"
Robert Werling, "El Capitan in Fog, Yosemite", 1980s
S-1474, "Jardin des Tuileres, Paris. view on the rue de Rivoli"
Herbert List, "Jardin des Tuileres, Paris. view on the rue de Rivoli", 1936
S-1511, "Alders, Prairen Creek Beach, Northern California"
Ansel Adams, "Alders, Prairen Creek Beach, Northern California", c. 1949
S-1525, "untitled (Branches)"
Alfredo Barsuglia, "untitled (Branches)", 2014
S-1570, "Gablitz"
Robert Zahornicky, "Gablitz", 1986
S-1584, untitled
Elfriede Mejchar, untitled, 1980s
S-1587, "Birch Forest, Japan"
Josef Hoflehner, "Birch Forest, Japan", 2012
S-1607, "Felsenbaum von Norden, Prandegg"
Gerhard Trumler, "Felsenbaum von Norden, Prandegg", 1976
S-1613, "Heldenplatz"
Gerhard Trumler, "Heldenplatz", 1985
S-1735, "ohne Titel"
Hanns Otte, "ohne Titel", 2004
S-1737, "ohne Titel"
Hanns Otte, "ohne Titel", 2004
S-1878, "tenojoki​"
Jens Knigge, "tenojoki​", 2015
S-1885, "Two ice covered trees, near Saint-Mortiz, Switzerland"
Alfred Eisenstaedt, "Two ice covered trees, near Saint-Mortiz, Switzerland", 1947
S-1888, "Trust Me"
Robert F. Hammerstiel, "Trust Me", 2010–2014
S-1898, "Linde in Harste bei Göttingen"
Albert Renger-Patzsch, "Linde in Harste bei Göttingen", around 1962
S-1914, "Fünf Weiher 2"
Axel Hütte, "Fünf Weiher 2", 2010
S-1993, "Yosemite Valley from Inspiration Point, Winter"
Ansel Adams, "Yosemite Valley from Inspiration Point, Winter", around 1959
S-2242, "Isolation (Dead Tree) Detail"
Fabian Knecht, "Isolation (Dead Tree) Detail", 2017
S-2308, "Winterzauber"
Albert Steiner, "Winterzauber", 1930s
S-2374, "Landschaftsporträt IV"
Markus Guschelbauer, "Landschaftsporträt IV", 2006
S-2398, untitled
Max Baur, untitled, 1930s
S-2449, "The One and Only Tree"
Jill Seer, "The One and Only Tree", 2010
S-2454, "Über allen Wipfeln ist Ruh"
Robert F. Hammerstiel, "Über allen Wipfeln ist Ruh", 2000
S-2481, "Mobile (Footpath with trees in the Parque de Chapultepec, Mexico City)"
Andreas Fogarasi, "Mobile (Footpath with trees in the Parque de Chapultepec, Mexico City)", 2017
S-2506, "Eichenkamp bei Wamel"
Albert Renger-Patzsch, "Eichenkamp bei Wamel", 1945/1946
S-2509, "Greytree #47"
Loredana Nemes, "Greytree #47", 2021
S-2538, "Central Park, New York"
Michael Wesely, "Central Park, New York", 1995
S-2557, untitled
Hans Wetzelsdorfer, untitled, 1986
S-2558, "Paris"
Hannes Kilian, "Paris", 1955
S-2560, untitled
Wallace Edwin Dancy, untitled, 1930s
S-2561, "El Capitan, Yosemite late Afternoon Light"
Gordon H. Hastings, "El Capitan, Yosemite late Afternoon Light", 1988
S-2586, Landscape
Elfriede Mejchar, Landscape, 1979-1980
S-2591, 2
Edgar Lissel, 2, 2021-2022
S-2605, "Trunk of the 'Grizzley Giant' 90 Feet in Circumference"
Carleton Eugene Watkins, "Trunk of the 'Grizzley Giant' 90 Feet in Circumference", 1861
S-2607, "Dassonville Charcoal Black"
William Edward Dassonville, "Dassonville Charcoal Black", 1920s