Front view
Inv. No.S-0850
ArtistStephan Reusseborn 1954 in Cologne, Germany

"Objekt / 19 "

from the series "Leaving Shadows"

C-print (Thermography)

Dimensions200 x 160 cm

With the thermographic works the camera doesn’t record lightwaves, but instead differences in heat. Sensors capture these heat differences and transform them, digitally, into images. The structure of a room dissolves because of the diffused nature of heat waves. Many of the objects depicted were not actually present at the moment of capture; the images convey the presence of absence. The left over traces of heat are captured 3-15 minutes after the removal of the object. The result of time and heat waves allows to work within a larger time frame? This way of taking thermographic images results in the visualization of the invisible.
With my work I am trying to touch zones of unknown memories in the imagination of the viewer. In this respect, the pictures are created by the viewer. They know the pictures from memory and sharpen them themselves.
We see what we feel.
(Stephan Reusse)

S-0850, "Objekt / 19 "
Stephan Reusse, "Objekt / 19 ", 1992
S-0850, Front view
© Stephan Reusse / Bildrecht Wien